Decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world for many generations into the future

Decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world for many generations into the future. Ensuring that decisions being made about our energy, water, and natural resources are sustainable is central to this belief. This also applies to political, economical and financial decisions that affect/obligates current and future generations.

One thought on “Decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world for many generations into the future

  1. Political reform success all comes down to its candidates.
    You can have as many awesome ideals as you want, but unless your candidate is a living embodiment of these high standards, it’s more of the same.
    That Lakers’-loving mayor… he too espoused wonderful things, and look where that got us.
    Your candidates cannot be politicians, they cannot live in gated communities, they cannot waste millions of dollars to buy the voters…
    Your candidates must be real people — parents, community leaders, folks who live and work and have a stake in our city’s future.
    Otherwise, it’s gonna be business as usual… we may as well stick with what we have and the other craven, smiling puppets

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